Information Last Updated: 12/29/2023
Transition Policy on Prescription Drugs
For Medicare Advantage members who may be affected by formulary changes or members
who are new to Brand New Day, we want to make sure your transition is as seamless as
possible. That’s why we have policies in place for any prescription medications you
are taking.
Brand New Day’s goal is to make changes that occur each new benefit year as
seamless as possible. Our transition policy meets the immediate needs of our members
and allows you time to work with your provider to switch to another medication that
is on the covered drug list (formulary) to treat your condition or ask for an
Who is eligible for a temporary transition supply?
During the first 90 days of
membership, we offer a temporary supply of medication to:
New members into prescription drug plans following the Annual Election Period
Newly eligible Medicare members from other coverage
Members who switch from one plan to another after the start of a contract year
Current members affected by negative formulary changes across contract years
Members residing in long-term care (LTC) facilities, including members admitted to, or discharged from, an LTC facility
Brand New Day will ensure system capabilities are in place to allow a temporary
supply of Part D medications that are not on our formulary and Part D
medications that are on our formulary, but may require:
Prior authorization (PA)
- These medications need to be approved in advance before we cover them.
Step Therapy (ST)
- These medications require your provider to first try certain medications to
treat a medical condition before we will cover another medication.
Quantity limits (QL)
- These medications have limits for a certain amount over a certain time. If
your provider thinks you need to receive more, you or your provider may ask for
an exception.
Transition in a Non-LTC Setting
In a non-LTC setting, members are allowed a one-time, temporary fill of at least
a 30-day supply of medication anytime during the first 90 days of enrollment in
a plan, beginning on the member’s effective date of coverage.
Transition in an LTC Setting
If a member is in an LTC setting, the
transition process will include the following:
One-time, temporary fill of at least a 31-day supply, anytime during the first 90 days of a member’s enrollment in a plan, beginning on the effective date of coverage.
A 31-day, emergency supply of non-formulary Part D medications while an exception or prior authorization determination is pending for members being admitted to, or discharged from, an LTC facility, early refill edits will not be used to limit appropriate and necessary access to their Part D benefit.
Extended Transition Period
Brand New Day will provide a process for members to receive necessary Part D
medications via an extension of the transition period, on a case-by-case basis,
to the extent that their exception requests or appeals have not been processed
by the end of the minimum transaction period and until such time as a transition
has been made (either through a switch to an appropriate formulary medication or
a decision on an exception request).
Cost Share
The cost share for the medication received through transition
will be based one of Brand New Day’s approved formulary tiers.
Non-formulary Part D medications will receive the same cost sharing that would apply for a nonformulary medication approved through a formulary exception.
Formulary medications that require prior authorization, step therapy, or have a quantity limit will receive the same cost share that would apply if granted approval upon clinical review.
For Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) Eligible Members
The cost-share tier, for a temporary supply of medication, provided through the
transition process will not exceed the statutory maximum co-payment amounts for
low-income subsidy (LIS) eligible members.
Member and Prescriber Notification
Brand New Day will send written
notification, within three business days of adjudication of a temporary
transition fill. The notice will include:
An explanation of the temporary nature of the transition supply a member has received.
Instructions for working with Brand New Day and the member’s provider to satisfy utilization management requirements or to identify appropriate therapeutic alternatives that are on Brand New Day’s formulary.
An explanation of the member’s right to request a formulary exception.
The procedures for requesting a formulary exception.
To ask for a temporary supply, call Express Scripts
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Calls to these numbers are free.
During the time when you are getting a temporary supply of a drug, you should
talk with your provider to decide what to do when your temporary supply runs out.
You can either switch to a different drug covered by the plan or ask the plan to
make an exception for you and cover your current drug.