Community Health Worker (CHW) Program

Man talking to woman

Call us today at (844) 926-6590 to enroll! Or email

One of our community connectors will respond to you within 7 days.

Community Health Workers are trusted members of the community. They have lived experience that helps them understand how to better help you. 

A Community Health Worker can help you:

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 Find an appointment for care. 


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 Learn how to manage your asthma, hypertension, diabetes, or other health conditions.


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 Find help for food, housing, and other needs. 


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 Learn about how to stay healthy during and after your pregnancy.


house with magnifying glass over it icon 
Find help if you are experiencing domestic or intimate partner violence. 


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 Get dental care.


one person holding another person's arm
 Find care if you have had an injury.


cigarette in circle with slash through it
 Get help to quit smoking and/or using other substances. 


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 Get help if you are experiencing a stressful life event.

How are CHW services provided?
Services can be provided to you individually or in group sessions. They can be provided in person and over the phone.

Services can be provided to the guardian(s) of members who are 21 years old and under.

How can you get CHW services?
Call (844) 926-6590 or email to speak to a community connector about your eligibility and how to enroll.

Participation is voluntary and at no cost to you.